Bird's Land Development SF | Dubai, UAE
Resort Residential
66’ x 98’ Lots | 14 Units
3,496 - 3,981 SF
Emaar Properties
Dubai is the most populous city in the United Arab Emirates and a hub for regional and international trade. Within the international housing market of Dubai, the objective for this development was to create diversified housing apart from conventional high-rise apartments for the ageless home buyer. The proposed solution was to design deluxe villas for Expats and high-end buyers along the Persian Gulf coast of Dubai. The architecture styles mirror similar designs to California’s Newport Coast and some Mediterranean, Spanish, and Tuscan influences. The two-story plans consider traditional Middle Eastern cultural influences and feature historical courtyard prototypes, ideal for protection from weather and hot climates. Another component to these designs is attached, courtyard-style housing in the form of duplex, fourplex and six-plex buildings with a contemporary desert style. Our designers overcame project constraints from working with foreign units of measurement and adopting concrete construction methods, to communicating with clients on a different time zone.