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WHA Architects Planners Designers
Jefferson Square

Los Angeles, CA


Retail & Affordable Housing Sustainable LEED Silver
1,500 SF Retail

3,414 SF Community Space

40 Units

.72 AC

55 U/A

591 - 1,302 SF


Design Development

Presentation Graphics

Colors & Materilas



Thomas Safran & Associates


The design significance of this mixed-use development was to make it appear as if it was a series of old buildings that had been constructed and restored over time within the existing neighborhood.  This was a challenge because the surrounding neighborhood context was primarily single-story, single family homes.  Our program required three stories of residential on top, a concrete podium deck with parking, lobby entrance and a retail component.


The structure was divided into three distinctive masses with contrasting materials reducing the scale into what looked like three separate buildings. Two-story townhomes with stoops create the “first” building on the west side. The “second” building is the two-story residential entry lobby while the base for the “third” building is the retail component.


Attention to the material delineation and color detail selections projected a sense of permanence. Articulated window fenestration, the use of a large canopy at the residential entry, and fabric canopies at the retail entries further refine the building parts and the use of brick and tile accents enhanced the elevations.

  • 2015 Best in American Living Awards - Gold Award Infill Community 


  • 2014 HPOZ Awards WinnerNew Construction/Infill/Mixed-Use 


  • 2015 Gold Nugget Award Affordable Housing Community – 30 to 60 du/ac

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