Jefferson Square
Los Angeles, CA
Retail & Affordable Housing Sustainable LEED Silver
1,500 SF Retail
3,414 SF Community Space
40 Units
.72 AC
55 U/A
591 - 1,302 SF
Design Development
Presentation Graphics
Colors & Materilas
Thomas Safran & Associates
The design significance of this mixed-use development was to make it appear as if it was a series of old buildings that had been constructed and restored over time within the existing neighborhood. This was a challenge because the surrounding neighborhood context was primarily single-story, single family homes. Our program required three stories of residential on top, a concrete podium deck with parking, lobby entrance and a retail component.
The structure was divided into three distinctive masses with contrasting materials reducing the scale into what looked like three separate buildings. Two-story townhomes with stoops create the “first” building on the west side. The “second” building is the two-story residential entry lobby while the base for the “third” building is the retail component.
Attention to the material delineation and color detail selections projected a sense of permanence. Articulated window fenestration, the use of a large canopy at the residential entry, and fabric canopies at the retail entries further refine the building parts and the use of brick and tile accents enhanced the elevations.
2015 Best in American Living Awards - Gold Award Infill Community
2014 HPOZ Awards WinnerNew Construction/Infill/Mixed-Use
2015 Gold Nugget Award Affordable Housing Community – 30 to 60 du/ac