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Park Place | Yangzhong, China


550 (90.5 AC)

Site FAR = 0.65

245 MU/ 165,000 M2

Entertainmaent Resort

(1.0 FAr: 1,700,000 SF)

780 DU (5.0 DU/AC)





Park Place is a destinational resort and theme park licensed by the Hasbro toy company. A themed entertainment resort in Yangzhong China the site contains a small amusement park with Hasbro themed rides, venues, retail, and entertainment. Included within the resort are two hotels – one luxury and one market rate – along with an indoor ski slope attraction. A series of interconnected islands with canals and open space serves as a water way transport from residences to the retail, entertainment, and hospitality core.


The surrounding neighborhoods offer a variety of housing opportunities for many diverse buyers. Residents enjoy amenities and private clubs as a part of this resort-style community. 


Pinnacle Development

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