Teda | Tanjin, China
Community Planning
101,330 Square Meter Area
310 Regular Units / 52 Penthouse Units / 362 Total Units
2,900 Square Meters Community Space
140,664 Square Meters Total Provided 141,860 Square Meters FAR Maximum
25.04 AC | 14.46 U/A
International Planning
Presentation Graphics
The Tianjin Economic Development Area, commonly abbreviated as TEDA, is the main free market zone in Tanggu District in Tianjin, China. TEDA contains a port, business buildings, urban residential areas, and an extensive transportation network. This site respects the classical design principles of ancient Chinese cities. The site is broken into four smaller sites each representing the direction of the compass. The traditional hierarchy of directions is preserved as the South is superior to North and East is superior to the West. The 5th position, the center, is made outstanding to maintain proper design etiquette.
A major element is the linear public park which organizes the site into halves along the North / South axis. The design priorities of southern building orientation along with shading concerns generate a very specific and regular pattern of repeating blocks. Additionally, the adjoining public square and park have a strong sense of symmetry with classical proportions. Conversely, the arrangement of the public square to the East is asymmetrical with a focus on flexibility of use. A large grass section forms a space that may be used in many ways; an amphitheater space like this welcomes a variety of social gatherings. Additionally, the adjoining plaza space overlaps a portion of the road and park to tie these two public spaces together. To couple with the idea of more flexible design, the buildings themselves have been arranged around this plaza in a more modern, asymmetrical style.
The buildings are about the square as would a pair of hands cupping a prized object. Therefore, important design priorities have been retained while creating a building environment more dynamic and intriguing than the typical layout.
Finally, to tie these two elements together there is a strong pedestrian corridor which tapers to significant focal points: a tower and large fountain element. These structures represent the linking of the heavens and the earth while coupled with the rejuvenating quality of water. The primary community space will be a focal point both visually and functionally for both residents and visitors.